In order to provide you with optimum service we use cookies. Cookies are small text files that can be read by a web server in the domain that put the cookie on your hard drive. Cookies are used to store your preferences and settings. Below we have listed all the different cookies we use on our website.
ETQ Session
This cookie makes sure you are logged in when you are a returning customer, that your shopping bag is saved or for example that you don’t have to fill in your personal details again when you don’t correctly fill them in the first time.
We don’t share your information with third parties. Privacy statement
This cookie makes it possible to show you short Youtube videos on our website. We use these to show you fitmovies of our products and other relevant movies connected to ETQ.
Youtube shares your data anonymously with third parties. Privacy statement
Hotjar enables us to see where you click and how you use our website. This enables us to optimize our webpages and make your shopping experience as seamlessly as possible. All of the data captured and presented by this cookie is anonymous.
We don’t share your information with third parties. Privacy statement
Cookie bar
This cookie tracks whether you’ve accepted or declined the use of cookies on our website as well as if you’ve seen the notification at all. Without this cookie you would repeatedly get the cookie notification on our website and webpages.
We don’t share your information with third parties. Privacy statement
Abandoned cart
We use the abandoned cart cookie to save the progress you’ve made in the process of buying and to help you recover your abandoned shopping cart.
We don’t share your information with third parties. Privacy statement
Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to see how you’ve came to visit our website and how you use it. We use this data to optimize our webshop and give you the best possible experience. Without this cookie we would miss out on your data which mean you will have to wait longer on improvements.
Google doesn’t share anonymous data with third parties. Privacy statement
Facebook Pixel
This cookie keeps track of what products you have seen. This way we kan show you relevant product offers on Facebook. Without this cookie you will miss out on personal offers.
Facebook doesn’t share data with third parties. Privacy statement